Customized Training, also known as class-sized training projects, is a tool used to help businesses meet the challenging demands of an industry to increase productivity. We work collaboratively with the business, local technical colleges and/or other training experts, to design a curriculum to meet business demand. Customized trainings benefit the businesses because:
•Businesses have direct input in designing the curriculum which allows greater flexibility to meet their respective specific workforce needs;
•They help meet workforce demands quicker because trainings are typically short term;
•Businesses have access to candidates while they are in training to ensure they find the right fit for their business.
To benefit from our Customized Training services, businesses agree to give first priority hiring consideration to the trainees upon successful completion of the training.
Employ Milwaukee
2342 North 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53210
Phone: (414) 270-1700Fax: (414) 225-2375 Deaf, hearing or speech impaired callers may reach us by the Wisconsin Relay number 711.
Employ Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider.
Auxiliary Aids and services are available to individuals with disabilities upon request. If you need this material interpreted to a language you understand or in a different format, or need assistance in accessing services, please contact us.