Sector strategies promote regional partnerships among employers, educators, workforce development, economic development, and other stakeholders that address the skill needs of high demand industries and occupations. Sector strategies are a proven mechanism for meeting the needs of employers for skilled workers and the needs of workers for employment. Below are resources from the Aspen Institute, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the U.S. Department of Labor – Employment and Training (DOLETA) Community of Practice that inform Employ Milwaukee’s implementation and acceleration of sector strategies.
The Aspen Institute, Connecting People to Work, Workforce Intermediaries and Sector Strategies
Wisconsin WIOA Combined State Plan (see Pages 33-38)
Tuning In to Local Labor Markets: Findings From The Sectoral Employment Impact Study
Deeper Dive into Demand Side Data: Identifying Target Sectors
Industry Engagement: An Overview
How to Ensure the Sustainability of a Successful Sector Strategy: An Overview
Deeper Dive into Supply-Side Data: Identifying Occupations & Skill Sets Aligned to Target Industries
Employ Milwaukee
2342 North 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53210
Phone: (414) 270-1700Fax: (414) 225-2375 Deaf, hearing or speech impaired callers may reach us by the Wisconsin Relay number 711.
Employ Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity Employer & Service Provider.
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